Saturday, February 12

Day 1

First, I apologize for seriously neglecting my blogging duties lately. My failure to write certainly does not mean I've had nothing to say. Quite the opposite. Ideas have been bottling up, waiting to explode into writing.
Starting today, I will be posting e.v.e.r.y d.a.y, with something that offends, impresses, or inspires me. Here we go...

Today, I put down my headphones and enjoy the walk.
I was leaving Dedman for the fifteen-minute walk back to my apartment, which I usually spend attached to my iPod. But today, for one reason or another, I opted for no music. In fact, I walked with nothing in my hands: no Blackberry, no iPod, no stress. Instead of blasting rock, I heard laughter, chatter, horns: our campus, alive and buzzing. And I felt so free and content with the simplicity of walking from A to B. 

Our generation has been raised on technology. These gadgets provide an escape route in awkward situations. What would we do without them?? Maybe we would actually make an effort to get to know one another instead of ignoring each other and staring at our cell phones. Not just that: these gadgets distract us from what's happening at any given moment. I can't help but wonder, wouldn't we be more productive/outgoing/attentive without them?

Media is inhibiting us from living in the present.
So stop texting, and enjoy the view.

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you thinking what i'm thinking?