Monday, February 28

Day 17

Today I learned...that any emotion, no matter how intense, is temporary
I was frustrated and upset, crying in rehearsal, ready to call it a day and sink into despair. By the time I came out of the classroom, though, I was rejuvenated, ready to go to my next class. Humans are most curious creatures.

Day 16

Today I learned...that it is possible to spend 12 straight hours in Meadows. I live there, apparently.

Saturday, February 26

Day 15

Today I learned...
that food is an art. And one artist, Terry Border, proves it. His work is brilliantly creative, and I guarantee it'll make you smile:

Then, I tried making my own food art. Usually when I cook, the last thing on my mind is how the final product looks. But this morning, I felt inspired by Mr. Border. 
Here is my first attempt at "sexy food":

Banana french toast with black coffee. Sexy enough for ya?

Friday, February 25

Day 14

So far, I have been "flying by the seat of my pants" all day, and everything has timed out brilliantly!
I got to the bank, was right on time for my apartment tour, grabbed a $3 lunch, picked up groceries and gas, even got home minutes before my friend came to pick me up.

But here's the best part: I came out of the arts building JUST AS Park n' Pony was writing me a ticket. The parking nazi actually said, "You made it just in time!"

So, today I learned....that you can't control life. No calendar, to-do list, alarm, or post-it note can make things happen how you want them to. You just have to trust that someone or something in the universe is watching out for you. And it definitely was today.

Thursday, February 24

Day 13

Today I learned...that too often, thinking prevents us from doing.
How many times each day do you start to do something and then stop yourself?
There are, of course, those rare exceptions: persons who live impulsively, from moment to moment, surprising and exciting the people around them. I have encountered only three or four of such personalities, and I envy them for their ability to seemingly live without worry or fear for the future.
Most people perceive theatre majors as carefree, silly, often obnoxiously outspoken individuals: almost invariably Type B personalities. Allow me to disprove this by saying that I am the epitome of a control freak. I check my email and iCal religiously. I make to-do lists and grocery lists, check the time constantly, and remind my friends about what's coming up, to make certain that every moment of every day goes according to plan.
And yet, no day ever goes exactly according to plan.
Why do I even try?
What if, instead, I gave in to the unpredictability of nature? What if I embraced and rejoiced in the uncertainty, the possibilities of each unplanned day? I imagine waking up, bright eyed, fearful of what might happen but anxious to find out!

Taking a step back: As a student in a pre-professional program, that level of spontaneity could be dangerous. But if I could give up an ounce of control, I would probably be much happier. So, that is my assignment for tomorrow: plan as little as possible, and see what happens. Wish me luck!

Day 12

Today I learned...that hairspray is evil.

Wednesday, February 23

Day 11

Today I to take teasing hair to the extreme. Like, mad scientist extreme. Thank you Heather for being the victim of my teasing comb.

Monday, February 21

Day 10

Today I learned...that being this busy causes problems.

As yesterday's post mentioned, I have run into some "bad luck" lately. I put those words in quotations because today I realized, it has nothing to do with luck. I am simply too busy.
Today I had a total of two hours free time between 9 a.m. and midnight. I made several little mistakes all day as I tried to juggle the endless tasks at hand. 
Just an hour ago, I arrived at my apartment, looked in the mirror, and saw that I did not have my nose ring. Apparently, amidst the chaos of the day, I either threw it away or left it lying in the dressing room (I realize: ew, kinda gross). But really, how insanely flustered do you have to be to forget something that should be on your face?
I digress. The point is, I have reached my limit on perfectionism, and I surrender to the fact that I cannot conquer the planet in a day. I accept my humanity, and I am now heading to bed for some much-needed relaxation.

Sunday, February 20

Day 9

To clarify this whole "Day __" thing, I have decided that my goal is to post on here for 30 consecutive days. Why? Because aside from this blog, I (as a theatre major) have motivation to write neither creatively nor extensively. The only writing I do is research papers and acting journals, which are limited to such rigid guidelines that I find them completely constraining to any true creativity or personal reflection.

So, on we go:

Today I learned...that a sense of humor can get you through even the worst situations.
Last night, I lost my credit card, had to hop a fence in heels, got about 2 hours of sleep, then woke up to find a huge dent on the bumper of my new car and hauled ass to DFW airport at 8 a.m. on almost no gas and zero cash. But after so much bad luck, what can you do besides laugh it off and move on? At least when I'm older, I'll have great stories to tell the kids.

Saturday, February 19

Day 8

Today I learned...that my idea from Day 4 is particularly true in friendships.

Friendship means trusting that the other person would do for you what you do for them.
It means that at the end of the day, no matter how much shit you've gone through, you both come out even. 
It means you're better as a team than you are alone.

It took a few mistakes, but I realize now that having friends like these is totallycompletely, absolutely worth the little sacrifices. To them I say, thank you for being there, I love you guys.

Friday, February 18

Day 7

Today I learned...that the zoo is "a perfect mix between an amusement park and a park park."
(And at 19 years old, it's just as fun as ever)

Thursday, February 17

Day 6

Today I learned...that "retail therapy" actually does work sometimes...but provides very temporary relief.
I had a lot on my mind today, and once I entered Northpark I was surrounded by distractions, immediate concerns that drew away from the long-term, heavy stuff. I felt relief and soon became enthralled with the search for the perfect pair of jean shorts.
Then, I got home, dropped my bags, and realized: nothing had changed.

Wednesday, February 16

Day 5

Today I learned...that one real friend is worth a hundred imitations.

Tuesday, February 15

Day 4

Today I learned...that you get from the world as little or as much as you put in.
Call it karma, destiny, fate. Call it whatever you like, it's the truth. I have found that every time I send something out in to the world—be it an email, a phone call, a visit, a gift, a letter—it is immediately or eventually reciprocated. And likewise, if I were to lock myself in my apartment and shut myself off from everyone, the world would move on without me.  A little initiative must be taken in order for life to begin to change and speed forward.
 As a cast member told me today: "Nothing will come of nothing." Amen to that.

Monday, February 14

Day 3

Today I learned...that a single moment of thought can change everything.

Valentine's Day is one of those rare occasions when we actually make an effort to show others how much we care about them. Today, the moments of thought taken by others made me feel special, loved. 
Nevermind the cards, flowers, and candy; the message behind those gestures is eternal, and I feel absolutely blessed with the people who are in my life. Think about it: it takes, literally, a moment to press SEND, yet a phone call can potentially make or break a relationship.

Following today's theme rather perfectly, our Stage Management professor asserted in lecture that three minutes of preparation can save three hours of rehearsal timeBefore my own rehearsal that day, I took a moment to breathe and consider exactly what I wanted to achieve by the end of rehearsal; and guess worked :)

So take a moment. Because it will pay off.

Sunday, February 13

Day 2

Today I learned that overspeculation results in depression.

Perhaps the key to happiness is never asking Why...

Saturday, February 12

Day 1

First, I apologize for seriously neglecting my blogging duties lately. My failure to write certainly does not mean I've had nothing to say. Quite the opposite. Ideas have been bottling up, waiting to explode into writing.
Starting today, I will be posting e.v.e.r.y d.a.y, with something that offends, impresses, or inspires me. Here we go...

Today, I put down my headphones and enjoy the walk.
I was leaving Dedman for the fifteen-minute walk back to my apartment, which I usually spend attached to my iPod. But today, for one reason or another, I opted for no music. In fact, I walked with nothing in my hands: no Blackberry, no iPod, no stress. Instead of blasting rock, I heard laughter, chatter, horns: our campus, alive and buzzing. And I felt so free and content with the simplicity of walking from A to B. 

Our generation has been raised on technology. These gadgets provide an escape route in awkward situations. What would we do without them?? Maybe we would actually make an effort to get to know one another instead of ignoring each other and staring at our cell phones. Not just that: these gadgets distract us from what's happening at any given moment. I can't help but wonder, wouldn't we be more productive/outgoing/attentive without them?

Media is inhibiting us from living in the present.
So stop texting, and enjoy the view.