Tuesday, May 10

Stand still; Repeat

I want to write a screenplay so brilliant that it achieves national recognition, sweeps film festivals across the country, and lunges me rapidly into the spotlight as one of the promising young voices of our generation.
I want to direct a play so inspiring and beautiful that it catches every facet of the human experience, moves audience members to change their lives; I want to change peoples' minds about theatre.
I want to move to LA, star in some sell-out TV show, live in a bungalow apartment in West Hollywood, and party like all the hipsters (taking artsy pictures to document our fabulous lives).
I want to surf. And skydiveI want to travel the world.

At the moment, I am in Knoxville, TN, sitting in my pajamas, listening to the radio.
So...how to go from here to there: that is my current dilemma. I guess I'll start by getting out of my pajamas.

But really, as someone with huge dreams, I feel static when I'm home. Not to mention I cannot find a play (after reading about twenty) that I want to produce. Perhaps I have been too passive in  my search for a play (or, arguably, in my artistic career in general). All the libraries and bookstores in the world aren't going to magically present me with the perfect play, one that speaks exactly to my experience of life. So why not write my own? Furthermore, instead of auditioning and waiting to get cast in a play, why not create my own opportunities? 

I have so much to say; perhaps it's time to take that giant leap of faith and start writing...Wish me luck. I'll keep you updated.

1 comment:

you thinking what i'm thinking?