Thursday, April 14

Growing up.

Well, ladies and gentleman, I am officially in my twenties.

I expected to feel a certain pressure upon entering this decade of my life. Twenty is a landmark birthday, and I am supposedly entering the "best years" of my life. 
I do feel a certain confidence in where I am, professionally and personally. There is nothing sudden, however, about this change; it has been a long time coming. For the past two years (since the last semester of high school), I have felt the beginnings of adulthood emerging within me. Rather than striving to be like someone else, I have become more and more curious about and content with who I am. 
Many signs affirm this transition:
I no longer read Cosmogirl, or any other magazines which tell me how to be more attractive or get guys or put myself into a category based on a quiz. 
I have abandoned social climbing; I have come to realize, the only ass worth kissing is in the professional realm.
I would rather read a play/book than watch TV.
I enjoy cooking and sometimes even cleaning.
I can actually hold conversations with my professors without feeling totally awkward.

These are just  a few of the miraculous discoveries that my twenties have brought so far (it has been nearly a month). And I must say, I anticipate this decade to be the best one yet. 

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you thinking what i'm thinking?