Friday, May 13


No, I did not get hit by another car.

I am currently suffering from that all-too-common pain-in-the-ass, "writer's block." Oh, how I have grown to hate those two words. Actually, it's not a block so much as a dam. That is, I am not at a loss for words; rather, I have too many. They're all conflicting and intertwining and mushing around inside my head, then on the page. I have not been able to filter them, so there they are, collecting: word vomit in my notebook. Gross.

Starting is easily the most difficult part of any project, and the planning stages always bring the biggest headaches. Considering this is the first time I have attempted any sort of creative writing since high school, I suppose this kind of struggle is to be expected. Countless ideas have been circulating around my noggin for years, and now I have to decide which is most important, then find the words. Well, back to the books!

[In other news: miniature hail-storm in Knoxville today. Also, I burnt the last bag of popcorn, which I'm sure you will agree, is the worst.]


  1. This happens to me all the time too. I wish I was in knox with you!


    Very useful tips. My favorites are 1, 6, 9, and 10. Outlining was something I recently started doing and it really does help a lot. But ultimately, it's all about the zone. Once you know how to create it, everything else comes easy.

    Sadly, my zone is 2am the night before the deadline, so...

  3. Thanks Juan!! My "zone" (if I have one) also tends to be in the late-late-night hours..makes for some laughs in revision.

  4. How has it been coming along? I will be trying to do the same as you shortly. Ehhh

  5. So far, I'm still in the brainstorming phase, but I think I've decided on the general plot/characters. It's hard because I'd like to actually film it while I'm in school, so there are certain limitations on location. I try not to think about it, but I inevitably do. I forgot, you're a film nerd :)

  6. Tip #2: Limitations are for producer's to deal with. ;)


you thinking what i'm thinking?