Thursday, September 23

filling myself up

my mind is exploding 
with all the things I want to see,learn,experience

the past few days, between working on my latest theatrical endeavor  (Metamorphoses, by Mary Zimmerman) with a fantastic cast, a visit from the incredible Glenn Close (yes, Cruella herself), Mrs. Giva Taylor's infinite wisdom, and the sheer abundance of STUFF out there, i have been absolutely inspired
anything & everything*
*the problem is figuring out where to start

Yesterday, I started randomly researching whatever popped
into my head. Lookie what I found!

Stunning underwater photography by Ari Abramczyk (more at


One mo' thang:
"Any enduring art has some sense of outrage"      
-Glenn Close, at SMU on 9/21

Thanks for reading.
Now, if you have or find anything inspiring/random/funny/interesting,
please do us all a favor,
& share!

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you thinking what i'm thinking?