Wednesday, September 29

ridin solo

I'm living alone for the first time in my life.
(Statue of Eleanor Rigby in Stanley Street, Liverpool.)
         When I say alone, I do not just mean without my family; I mean alone, in a single apartment. I expected to love being free from distractions and disturbances, so I could focus on school. It was absolutely liberating being able to walk around in my underwear or blast 70's music or cook fish without someone complaining about the smell.

Yes, all of these things have been awesome, and I still giggle to myself when I'm flipping pancakes at midnight and jamming to Fleetwood Mac. But I miss being greeted when I come back from class, being surprised by my friends knocking on my door just to say hi, and walking down the hall to borrow someone's printer or a curling iron.

So yeah, I don't have to listen to the loud girl next door skyping her boyfriend at 3 in the morning.

But is 19 too young to be living completely alone? 
I'm starting to think so.

Sunday, September 26

Jean Seberg

Timeless beauty

Honestly, this woman rocked stripes and a boy cut better than anyone. Ever.

Thursday, September 23

filling myself up

my mind is exploding 
with all the things I want to see,learn,experience

the past few days, between working on my latest theatrical endeavor  (Metamorphoses, by Mary Zimmerman) with a fantastic cast, a visit from the incredible Glenn Close (yes, Cruella herself), Mrs. Giva Taylor's infinite wisdom, and the sheer abundance of STUFF out there, i have been absolutely inspired
anything & everything*
*the problem is figuring out where to start

Yesterday, I started randomly researching whatever popped
into my head. Lookie what I found!

Stunning underwater photography by Ari Abramczyk (more at


One mo' thang:
"Any enduring art has some sense of outrage"      
-Glenn Close, at SMU on 9/21

Thanks for reading.
Now, if you have or find anything inspiring/random/funny/interesting,
please do us all a favor,
& share!

Monday, September 20

I'd like to add a goal:

to fail.
                   i'm talking...

($)           failure

       As in, trying to jump a giant curb on my little blue bicycle,
flying off and onto the concrete, 
breaking the front basket,
and laughing my ass off.

because you live, you learn. 
        (& failing, like it or not, makes you a human.)

who knows, you might be the next Youtube sensation, like this guy...

Sunday, September 19

to blog!

Here I am, stuck in this icky, awkward thing called college.

Almost every day I listen to the people around me and think,
 "Wait, whaaaaat?" or "That's messed up." 
And maybe it's just me...but I have an inkling it's not. 


Besides all those daily snags, there are so many things to discuss, to share with other people and to enjoy together.  There's so much we can learn from each other, it would be a shame not to. 

I'm Miranda.I'm a 2nd year theater student in Dallas, Texas. I am a long way from my home back in Knoxville, Tennessee. 
So many times, this school and this city have given me the most invigorating experiences, and I've grown up a lot just in the past year. But some days, it's a struggle being away from anything familiar.

My hope in being here is this: 
to stretch, 
to grow, 
and to find a few laughs in this messed-up world.
Sounds good, right?