Sunday, July 24

oops, I did it again

I took on too damn much [working 30 hours, play rehearsals, filming, bills, etc.] Unfortunately, that means I will likely neglect my blogging duties for the next few weeks. 
Unicorn is out of the office until further notice.
In the meantime, help me answer this question: is it better to strive for an extraordinary life, or to find happiness in the opportunities you are given? I have always believed the former, until just recently. As I embark on my twenties, the idea of settling for an "average" life, with a family and the whole "white picket fence" shabang...doesn't sound as horrible as it used to. That's not to say that I want to settle down anytime soon, but what's so shameful about being "average" anyway?

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering the same thing to myself the other day...I always thought having an "average" life would be terrible but I'm starting to think a more average life than the one I've been imagining would actually be quite nice. Balance is our friend I think.


you thinking what i'm thinking?