Sunday, October 17

Underrated things!

Unicorn's Top 5 Underrated Things:

           Stretching hurts, which is why most people (myself 
included) avoid it as much as possible. However, I've made an effort to stretch before bed every night, and after a few days, I already feel much less tense and ready to start the day!
2.Black Coffee
         Almost all of my friends who drink coffee have never even tried it black. I thought I would hate drinking it the "manly" way, but actually I love how it wakes me right up in the morning. Don't knock it till ya try it.

         In America, we put such value on eating out. My first job was at a local Italian place, and I can tell you, it's not nearly as glamorous as it's made out to be. In fact, most of the food is crap, and behind the scenes, things get a bit disgusting. Cooking for yourself is the best way to ensure that you're getting high-quality, delicious food. Plus, you save money, and you can adjust recipes to fit your tastes. For instance, this Sunday morning: wheat french toast with banana and peanut butter filling. Easy, cheap, and (holy shit!) amazinggg. For recipe ideas, might I suggest:

        I just started riding a bike now that I'm living off-campus, and I've gotta say: it's the way to go. I have command of the road and the sidewalk! Traffic? Not a chance.

5.Elderly People
        I cannot understand why we as Americans devalue the people in our society who have the most life experience. Older people have accumulated such an array of information, and they retain effortless grace in dealing with even the messiest situations. I am fortunate enough to still have two grandparents alive. My grandma, Betty, is one of the ladies whose strength and grace have constantly pushed me to be a better person. Also, I work with several older ladies in the theater's costume shop whose skill amazes me and whose whose wit sends me into hysterics on a daily basis. They are inspiring, fabulous ladies. 

Well, that's it for me! 
I hope that you'll give these five sadly overlooked things a second chance. And remember, if you ever really need advice, ask an old person..because your friends are probably just as confused as you are. 

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you thinking what i'm thinking?