Monday, October 25

Irony's a bitch

Please, before you continue reading, scroll down to October 17th's post and read number 4 on "Unicorn's List of Underrated Things!"

Great. Now, I can tell you how irony came and made a complete ass of me today:
I got hit by a car on the way to school this morning, while riding my bike.

I'm OK, though. Shockingly fine actually...I don't even have a bruise to speak of. And, no, I am not mad at the car or the driver, who ironically, is an ex-sorority sister of mine...yeah, awkward.

The only thing I could think to do as I re-assembled my books and purse into my bike basket, surrounded by concerned construction workers who had seen the whole fiasco occur from across the street, looking at the purely horrified facial expression of the poor girl who had just hit me, was laugh.

Then, cry. Then, call my mom. Then, laugh more.

And you have to wonder, how could there not be a higher power, at least some universal forces conspiring, when things like that happen in life? Oh bitch.

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you thinking what i'm thinking?