Monday, November 8

Waiting for a Spark...

It's November 8th. That means: Six days until filming. Three weeks until the play opens. Six months until filming, again.
All these coals are in the fire. And here I am, standing over the stack of logs, staring...why won't they just light already!

So it is evident that I have reached a frustrating point: I'm doing all the "right" things and I'm heading in the "right" direction, but I'm not. getting there. fast enough.
Living alone has given me the complete focus I needed to buckle down. I'm taking school seriously, I'm actually invested in rehearsals, and I've never felt more passionate about creating art.
That said, I am also the antsiest and most irritable I have ever been. Inside, I feel like I'm jumping up and down, waving my arms, begging for any recognition I can get for all the work I'm doing. Yet life is barely inching forward. 
In show business, things are supposed to move fast. The competition is lighting a subconscious fire under my butt to constantly keep working. Which, on the one hand, is great! It's making me productive, energized, and ambitious.
The problem is, I think I've forgotten how to relax. Here I am: nineteen years old and a complete workaholic. I refuse to let myself sit back and watch TV, or even nap. Plus, I don't dance much anymore, and that, for me, is a major red flag. Is my childlike spirit withering?
At the other end of the spectrum, I witness far too many of my friends and peers drudging through their classes, getting by with as little effort as possible. This stuns and annoys me; I want to scream, WAKE UP PEOPLE! We are so lucky to be here, and yet the majority of us have no motivation, no desire to excel. 
So where is the ideal balance between these two extremes? I am currently facing that question and, with the help of my friends, working to find an answer. Wish me luck.

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you thinking what i'm thinking?