Thursday, November 25

Giving Thanks

What is Thanksgiving?
A day to give thanks, right? So, "Thanks" is a gift. So, words are gifts.
How many of us have ever thought of our words as being little gifts to others? Compliments, encouragements, congratulations, cheers, thanks: these are all different types of gifts we offer to one another everyday without even considering their huge effect.
When someone compliments me, I may scoff or say, "Yeah, right," but the truth is, those words lift me up, make my heart swell for a moment, and stay echoing in my head for the rest of the day, sometimes longer.
I recently wrote an article for about the forgotten value of words. Though the article targeted the negative impact empty speech can have, the opposite is just as true: words can be uplifting, refreshing, precious things if we use them for good. 
Even if you feel horribly cheesy doing this, I hope you will tell the people around you how much they mean to you. Put your feelings into words, words which contain power and life. And remember, the recipient's reaction is likely a vast underrepresentation of his or her feelings.

Forgive my cliche, but I now must mention one thing for which I am extremely thankful this year:
And that is, my amazing support group
 The holiday season reminds me that family is the one constant which, regardless of how my life changes, will ALWAYS be there to support, encourage, and love me. Without them, the world would be much darker, more intimidating place. I also appreciate my true friends now more than ever, both those back home and here in Texas, those people with whom I can do anything or do nothing, who rely on me just as I rely on them everyday. 
It is those people, my family and friends, whose words revive me every time I fall, whose gentle encouragement keeps me fighting. And to them I give thanks this November 25th. I would be nowhere without them.

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you thinking what i'm thinking?